Daring Cities Partners

Daring Cities is supported by major contributions from the Federal City of Bonn, the Foundation for International Dialogue of the Savings Bank in Bonn, and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany.

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network working with more than 2500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 125+ countries, we influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development.

An ICLEI Member since 2000, the Federal City of Bonn, Germany, is the seat of the ICLEI World Secretariat, and Lord Mayor Katja Dörner currently serves as Chair of the Climate Action Governance Portfolio for the ICLEI Global Executive Committee. The City is constantly working on improving its sustainable performance by adopting local action programs, successfully establishing forms of cooperation with cities all over the world, and by launching activities that advance sustainable development.

The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is responsible for formulating the principles and strategies of German development policy, which form the basis of cooperation with partner countries and international organisations. Sustainable urban development is recognized as a key element for achieving international development and climate goals and, therefore, constitutes a significant field of German development policy. BMZ is, hence, a very committed actor in the Habitat III process and actively contributes to shaping the international debate on urbanization.

The Foundation for International Dialogue of the Savings Bank (Stiftung Internationale Begegnung der Sparkasse in Bonn) promotes international discussion and fosters cooperation in the Federal city of Bonn. The Foundation supports the activities of institutions and associations committed to working for international understanding and intercultural dialogue.