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This session celebrates World Food Day by sharing thematic reflections and outcomes of #AfricanCITYFOODMonth with global relevance. The program highlights ways in which cities are pushing the boundaries in improving their food systems, and draw out inspiration for participants to take forward.
Viewers will learn about innovative food system interventions, drawing upon lessons learned from African cities for a global audience, and gain inspiration on how cities can promote a green and just recovery through food.
- Paul Currie, Manager, Urban Systems, ICLEI Africa Secretariat
- Solophina Nekesa, Professional Officer: Urban Systems ICLEI Africa
- Cecilia Marocchino, Urban Food Agenda Coordinator, Food Systems and Food Safety Division (ESF), FAO
- Jay Ralitera, Advisor to the Mayor, Commune Urbaine d’Antananarivo
- Carmen Zuleta Ferrari, FAO coordinator of CRFS programme in Madagascar
- Barbora de Oliveira Hladka, Agribusiness Officer, FAO
- Ingrid Coetzee, Senior Programme Manager: Cities Biodiversity Centre, ICLEI Africa