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The session addresses two challenges that cities face during their transition to a circular and zero-carbon city: industrial waste circularity and food waste recovery. Speakers from China and Europe share their experiences in utilizing local circular economy measures, and how the measures contribute to the city’s climate action goals.
The session welcomes all local government technical staff who are in charge of urban climate change policies, spatial planning, industrial waste, food waste management, urban agriculture, and circular economy, as well as researchers and experts working on policy analysis and assessment.
- Li WEI, Solid Waste Technology and Industry Research Center, ShanXi Coshare Research Institute, Director and Senior Engineer, Shanxi, China
- Sebastian SCHLECHT, Strategic Management, Essen, Germany
- Zongguo WEN, Tenured Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
- Mingyu QIAN, Project Director, GIZ China Integrated Waste Management NAMA Project, Beijing, China
- Sheng HE, Deputy Director of Suzhou Environment Sanitation Management Division, Deputy Director of Suzhou MSW Segregation Management Center, Suzhou, China
- Nesta LEE, Food Initiative China Program Manager, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Beijing, China
- Ying GAO, Food Initiative China Program Manager, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Beijing, China
The Green Circular Cities Coalition is a peer-to-peer exchange platform to facilitate accelerating circular development. Operated by the ICLEI East Asia Secretariat, the Coalition provides a platform to connect cities, experts, businesses and relevant stakeholders to foster urban circular economy transitions through knowledge and experience exchange, mutual learning and technical support. This session is co-hosted by GIZ IWM NAMA Project.