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A high-level discussion with national and subnational governments on the successful implementation of Collaborative Climate Action and the role of subnational governments in building back better. The paper on The Economic Case for Greening the Global Recovery through Cities by the Coalition for Urban Transitions provide insights, complemented by practical experiences from government representatives from different countries and tiers of government. The event demonstrates how national government decision-makers and key urban stakeholders can shape stimulus packages for a green, resilient and inclusive economic recovery in the aftermath of the global health pandemic.
Guiding questions for the session:
- What are the best examples of climate action being mainstreamed into COVID recovery plans?
- What are some of the cross-cutting policy reforms at the national level that are required to deliver this green recovery?
- What are the barriers to implementing these required policy reforms?
- How can we ensure the green recovery is just as well as green and supports and protects marginalised or vulnerable populations? e.g. How do we provide not only green jobs but also good quality well paid jobs that move us towards a more equitable society?
- Governments have launched the first of what is likely to be many waves of fiscal and monetary stimulus: at least US$11.5 trillion has already been committed, what sort of trends are we seeing within these stimulus packages? Where is the money going?
- How have you been working with your colleagues at the national level/ local level towards a green recovery? What words of advice would you have for others in your situation on how to collaborate between different levels of government on this critical topic?
- We know that local budgets have been shrinking yet we are seeing ambitious action from cities around the world on the green recovery, what are some examples you have been particularly impressed by and why?
- Karsten Sach, Director General at German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU)
- Aziza Akhmouch, Head of Division, Cities, Urban Policies and Sustainable Development, OECD
- Oliver Weigel, Head of Division, German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building, and Community (BMI)
- Martha Delgado Peralta, Undersecretary of Multilateral Affairs & Human Rights, Foreign Affairs Ministry of Mexico
- Seth Schultz, Executive Director, The Resilience Shift
- Parks Tau, Deputy Minister, Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, South Africa
- Louise Eklund, Deputy Governor of Region Skåne, Sweden
- Carmen Vogt, Head of the section Cities, GIZ, Germany