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The session focuses on showcasing the efforts of the national government of India and cities in furthering climate action, through policy action, evolved planning paradigms and city-led action. Senior representatives from agencies at National, Sub-national and local levels discuss challenges, lessons learned and good practices with respect to climate action planning and implementation and also showcase climate actions that were successfully implemented in Indian cities, especially in the CapaCITIES project.
The CapaCITIES project, supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, aims at enhancing capacities at multiple levels of governance in lowering greenhouse gas emissions and increasing climate resilience by mainstreaming integrated climate action planning and implementation within the urban development paradigm.
- Emani Kumar, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI
- Jonathan Demenge, Head of Cooperation, Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation, India
- Kunal Kumar, Joint Secretary and Mission Director (Smart Cities Mission), Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, India
- Srinivas R, Town & Country Planner, Town & Country Planning Organization, India
- Hans Peter Egler, Director of Public Affairs, South Pole Group, Switzerland
- Udit Agrawal, Municipal Commissioner, Rajkot Municipal Corporation, India
- Qummer Choudhary, Municipal Commissioner, Udaipur Municipal Corporation, India
- Mahesh Moroney, Chief Executing Officer (In Charge), Nagpur Smart and Sustainable Development Corporation Limited, India
- Hitesh Vaidya, Director, National Institute of Urban Affairs, India
- Sakshi Chadha Dasgupta, Senior Thematic Advisor, Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation, India