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This fun and collaborative session is for young people (youth, students, early-career professionals) who want to imagine daring visions of future cities. These ‘daring visions’ will be written in a collaborative short-story format to push the boundaries of the ICLEI five sustainable development pathways, and form part of a #DaringYouth Statement: a collective vision of city futures to guide and inspire the urban leaders taking on the climate emergency. Participants will be asked to write a short-story about the future addressing one significant sustainability problem faced by their city.
The session begins with a short presentation of the ICLEI five sustainable development pathways: low emission, nature-based, circular, resilient, and equitable-people-centred development. Participants will meet online in groups of 4-6 with a facilitator. In groups participants create their visions and share their own experiences, stories and perspectives through guided discussions.
The session will be a melting pot of ideas, drawing together youth from a range of networks, cultures, disciplines and countries, and offering a unique opportunity to learn from each other, share knowledge, and expand networks while raising awareness of the role local governments have in addressing global environmental challenges.
Session outcomes:
Check out the Daring Youth statement and add your voice by writing your own Daring Vision.