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The transport sector currently consumes more than half of the global oil demand and it contributes roughly one quarter of energy-related CO2 emissions, and it is the fastest growing emissions sector. Without immediate actions, transport emissions could more than double by 2050; it is therefore imperative to decarbonize transport if we are to limit global warming well below the 1.5 degree Celsius. There is no single solution to delivering carbon-neutral mobility. We need a combination of measures.
A growing number of cities are taking steps to decarbonize transport – especially passenger transport but also freight, driven by the need to reduce air pollution and CO2 emissions. These measures include reducing transport demand, shifting to low-carbon and more efficient modes of transport, as well as enhancing vehicle and fuel efficiency. Technological development only solves a piece in the puzzle, other solutions, such as enabling policies and behavioral change, also play a role in achieving long-term climate targets.
This panel focuses on various policies, infrastructure and technological developments to support decarbonizing of the transport sector. Viewers will gain insights in:
- How will the transport sector transit to low- and zero emissions, including the hard-to-abate sectors?
- The transformation of urban passenger transport is one priority action in the short term to decarbonize transport. In what ways can the (informal) public transport scale up and replicate in more cities?
- In the transition towards carbon neutral transport, how could the public and private sectors work together to accelerate this process? What are the enabling frameworks? What are the innovative financing mechanisms that work?
- How can local governments be more ambitious in planning and implementing solutions to achieve carbon-neutral mobility?
- What CO2 mitigation measures has been planned reaching climate goals and underlying challenges to achieve them?
- Beatrice Ch’ng, Senior Officer, Sustainable Mobility, ICLEI WS, Bonn, Germany
- Dr. Oliver Lah, Head of Research Unit Mobility and International Cooperation, Energy, Transport and Climate Policy, Wuppertal Institute, Germany
- Marc Iglesias Perez, Head of Sustainable Mobility Section, Barcelona Metropolitan Government (AMB), Spain
- Dr. Tsu-Jui Cheng, Assistant Professor in Transport Studies, National Cheng Kung University, Chinese Taipei