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Note on the recording:
Please note that this session had a 30-minute group discussion. The attendees were invited to join a breakout room on Zoom during the live session (at min. 01:08:19). The group discussions recordings are not available, however a comprehensive summary of the main findings has been shared starting at min. 01:08:27.
This peer exchange session brings together city representatives and financial experts to share experience on using innovative climate financing tools. What works? How do you find the right tool? What lessons have been learned in projects that already have been implemented?
Local governments are at the frontline of climate action. Yet subnational governments still often struggle to access finance required for sustainable, low-to-no emission, climate resilient development and are uncertain using innovative instruments and trying new approaches.
With existing good practice, available tools and expertise, this session brings information and knowledge to city representatives – also encouraging them to share their questions and experiences with each other. The session focuses on approaches taken, exploring what worked well and why.
The session also provides a platform where local governments interact with financial experts, helping each other to better understand how to find and use innovative financing tools such as green bonds, revolving fund, energy performance contract or crowdfunding for their climate project.
Opening remarks:
- Jean-Francois Habeau, Executive Director, FMDV, France
- Eszter Mogyorósy, Head of Innovative Finance, ICLEI World Secretariat, Germany
Product launch speaker:
- Robert Kirchner, Project Manager GIZ, Covenant of Mayors Sub Saharan Africa
Panel discussion facilitator:
- Bella Tonkonogy, CPI Associate Director, CCFLA Secretariat
- Otavio Calumby, Head of the Special Projects Office of the Municipality of Recife, Brazil
- Daniel Sullivan, Manager: Strategic Policy Branch, Cape Town, South Africa
- Dr. Vangelis Marinakis Electrical and Computer Engineer, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
- Christine Knapp, Sustainability Director for the City of Philadelphia, USA
Group discussion facilitators:
- Paul Scharfenberger, Executive Director, Colorado Clean Energy Fund, USA
- Jonas Fleer, Programme Manager, Frankfurt School, Germany
- Rebecca Cameron, Senior Officer, ICLEI Africa, South Africa
- Maria Tapia, Lead Climate Change Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank, USA