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Although the concept of Nature-Based Solutions is not disseminated in South America compared to other contexts, there are already some successful experiences of NBS implemented locally as a way of improving biodiversity and addressing critical issues that affect urban system functionality, mainly including basic social problems such as poor sanitation and building urban resilience to threats such as floods and landslides.
This event aims to connect and provide a space for dialogue and exchange of experiences for the stakeholders involved with NBS implementation, monitoring and dissemination in South America in order to foster this agenda in the region. It is also an opportunity to discuss and showcase how Nature Based Solutions can contribute locally to the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
The main expected outcomes are:
- Strengthen the nexus between biodiversity and other global agendas through an systemic approach, exemplifying how Nature Based Solutions (SbN) can contribute positively to local and regional challenges related to food systems, water quality, health, job creation, climate change, well-being and life quality
- Identify the main challenges and opportunities of NBS in South America
- Learn about the UrbanByNature Programme, which has launched a regional hub in Brazil via the Connecting Nature project, to be expanded to a South-American regional hub by the CLEVER Cities project
- Promote dialogue and exchange between different NBS stakeholders and different South America countries’ experience
- Facilitator: Victor Ferraz, Biodiversity and Resilience Officer, ICLEI South America, Brazil
- Local Government Representative Panelist: Karla Hurtado, Technical Officer, Quito Municipal Secretary of Environment, Ecuador
- Youth Representative Panelist: Lucas Kurten, Researcher at University of Cologne Technological Institute, Germany
- Civil Society Representative Panelist: Juliana Baladelli Ribeiro, Nature Based Solutions Analist, Fundação Grupo Boticário, Brazil
- ICLEI Panelist: Rodrigo Perpétuo, Executive Secretary, ICLEI South America, Brazil
- ICLEI Panelist: Sophia Picarelli, Biodiversity and Climate Change Manager, ICLEI South America, Brazil
- ICLEI Panelist: Larissa Heinisch, Biodiversity and Resilience Coordinator, ICLEI South America, Brazil