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2015 Paris Climate Agreement introduced the concept of High Level Climate Action Champions as part of the tasks of the governments who lead the annual Conference the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Under the guidance of High Level Climate Action Champions, the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action brings together governments and key stakeholders to immediately lower emissions and increase resilience against climate impacts.
The session includes an overall presentation of the two leading initiatives of the Marrakech Partnership: The Race-to-Zero Campaign and Climate Action Pathways, as well as a focused dialogue for more active engagement of Latin American cities and regions in these efforts.
Master of ceremony
- Yunus Arikan, Director of Global Advocacy, ICLEI World Secretariat; LGMA Focal Point
- Ramiro Fernandez, UNFCCC High Level Champions Team
- Megumi Endo, Programme Officer, UNFCCC Secretariat
- Cédric de Meeûs, Head, Group Public Affairs, LafargeHolcim
- Wei-Shiuen Ng, International Transport Forum (ITF)
- Claire, Kiss, Associate Professional, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
- Joo Hyun Ha, Buildings and Cities Policy Officer, UN Environment Programme
- Burcu Tuncer, Head of Circular Development, ICLEI World Secretariat
- Liva Kaugure, Natural Resources Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
- Jordan Harris, COP25 Presidency
- Veronica Arias, Executive Director, CC35
- Jennifer Lenhart, Global Lead, WWF Cities, WWF
- Rodrigo Corradi, Institutional Relations and Advocay Manager, ICLEI South America Secretariat
- Ana Gabriela Monroy Chaparro, Coordinator of Institutional Relations, ICLEI Mexico, Central America & the Caribbean Secretariat