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This session shares innovative pathways for the world’s cities, which could lead the world towards a more environmentally sustainable future. This guide is now, more than ever, relevant as the world battles with the COVID-19 pandemic and as many of the biggest and most vibrant cities are hardest hit by this terrible virus. COVID-19 sends us an important message: that a healthy planet is essential for us to maintain our own health. It’s time to take stock of how we damage nature and how we can build back better so that nature is central to how cities function and thrive in the future.
This session explores environmental solutions for cities including sustainable livelihoods, sustainable transport, urban biodiversity, food production, sustainable infrastructure, energy and resilience.
Speakers come from the authors team on the GEO for Cities publication. They discuss the ideas of GEO for Cities, innovation for liveable and sustainable cities and transformative visions for healthy cities and people. The discussions with the delegates at the meeting focus on how cities will reach the SDG and New Urban Agenda targets as well as the visions and pathways related to circular cities.
- Pierre Boileau, Head of GEO, UN Environment Programme
- Diego Martino, Director and Professor, Asesoramiento Ambiental Estratégico and ORT University (Co-chair of GEO for Cities)
- Gian Carlo Delgado Ramos, Research Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico (Coordinating Lead Author of GEO for Cities)
- Jeb Brugmann, Founding Principal, Resilient Cities Catalyst (Coordinating Lead Author of GEO for Cities)
Session viewers can expect to:
- Learn about what the GEO for Cities is and why we are producing this product;
- Gain an understanding of circular cities in the future;
- Explore transformative pathways for the circular city.