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Within a city, many different actors, sectors and activities contribute to overall emissions and pollution levels. Current local to national strategies for emission reductions are often sector specific with limited cross-linking due to the complexity of involved actors and processes. Despite his complexity, more coherent streamlining and cross-sectoral integration could free significant potential for emission reductions and a socially and economically fair transition in line with local to national climate targets.
This interactive workshop building on insights from the Urban-LEDS and Urban Pathways projects will highlight the importance of integrated low carbon emission development strategies to reduce emissions across sectors. In dedicate group works and exercises based on concrete cases of successful cross-sector approaches, participants will explore benefits and challenges of adopting an integrated strategy first hand.
Guided by ICLEI and UN-HABITAT project experts each group deepen the possible connections across sectors, identify the relevant stakeholders to be involved and brainstorm on possible solutions to ensure an effective cross-sectorial approach.
- Introduction by Giorgia Rambelli (ICLEI Europe)
- Setting the scene: Channeling the Potential for Integrated and Sustainable Planning by David William Maya-Drysdale (Sustainable Energy Planning, Aalborg University)
- Group work in different Breakout Rooms – 50 minutes
Room A: Transport and Energy Planning
Moderators: Stefanie Holzwarth, (UN-Habitat) and Reynaldo Neto (ICLEI South American Secretariat)
Room B: Waste Management and Energy
Moderators: Nao Takeoki, (UN-Habitat) and Alis-Daniela Torres (ICLEI European Secretariat) - Sharing the results in the plenum: 30 minutes
- Closing remarks: 5 minutes
Active contribution by participants in the working groups is highly encouraged.
The session is jointly organized by ICLEI Europe and UN-Habitat on behalf of the Urban-LEDS and Urban Pathways projects.