What does it mean to move goods in and around cities in a post-pandemic scenario? The substantial rise in E-commerce, which will result in 36 percent more delivery vehicles in the inner cities by 2030 (WEF, 2021) has put cities and companies to rethink transport infrastructure. As such, many cities have recognized the importance of more efficient and sustainable urban freight movement and operations to improve energy efficiency by implementing a mix of interventions from policies, infrastructure, technology to behavior. To ensure these interventions are well coordinated and aligned with the vision of the city and long-term planning, an action plan is a must.
Low Carbon Action Plans for Urban Freight (LCAP-UF) are not a new concept and a few exemplary cities have developed such plans in the last decade (namely Freight Action Plan, Sustainable Logistics Plans). However, the total number of cities with these plans remains quite small and most existing are primarily from developed or Global North countries. ICLEI’s LCAP-UF guidebook was created to provide local governments with a roadmap in enhancing the freight movement and operations with a low carbon approach aiming to reduce GHG emissions. It facilitates a safe, socially inclusive, accessible, reliable, affordable, fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly, low-carbon, and resilient freight movement in the city.
This webinar will provide guidance, share insights, and best practices into low carbon action planning in Global South cities. Attendees will be able to gain knowledge in developing measures to promote a low-carbon society in their urban freight network.
- Himanshu Raj, Sustainable Mobility Officer, ICLEI World Secretariat
- Shrikant Lavande, Municipal Engineer, City of Panaji, India
- Amar Kulkarni, Project Officer, ICLEI South Asia Secretariat
- Dr. Chinghui Liao, EcoLogistics Local Coordinator, City of Taoyuan
María Cecilia Lazzaroni, Executive Director of Mobility Planning at Urban Development Secretariat of Santa Fe, Argentina
Alejandra López, Urban Logistics Strategist, Urban Mobility Secretariat of Bogotá, Colombia
- Facilitator: Tu My Tran, Head of Sustainable Mobility, ICLEI World Secretariat