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The absence of face-to-face negotiations and the postponement of the main international events for climate change do not act as impediments in the reaffirmation of 2020 as the year of biodiversity and in boosting the environmental agenda for this year. The pandemic has brought a new concern for public managers: in addition to the zeal that local governments should have for the health and well-being of their populations, it is up to managers to turn their eyes on the impacts of COVID-19 on the climate and environmental crisis.
The current crisis has brought a clear vision that public management systems should not rescue sectors and business models that are not viable in a low-carbon future, turning our eyes to stimulating the creation of green jobs, and policies that reduce carbon emissions, strengthen resilience and develop a sustainable economy based on smart and integrated solutions. The green stimulus presents itself as the main path to a healthy transition to a circular and resilient economy, attributing to local governments the role of implementing local solutions to strengthen cities’ resistance to extreme climatic conditions.
Innovation in the public sector plays a central role in the recovery of urban centers. Innovative initiatives have the potential to facilitate public management and urban sustainable development, offering opportunities for private actors, populations and public authorities. More than ever, integrated and resilient efforts must be articulated to achieve environmental, economic and social improvements through green financing, local climate planning and the incorporation of green jobs in the local system.
In this context, this session intends to offer in depth discussion on innovative responses to a green economic recovery in three areas: (i) local protected areas and promotion of nature in cities; (ii) innovation and multi-stakeholder approaches; (iii) climate finance opportunities.
- Rodrigo Corradi, Institutional Relations Manager, ICLEI South America
Keynote speaker:
- Valery del Carmen Salas Flores, YOUNGO and CLIC! representative
- Sophia Picarelli, Biodiversity and Climate Change Manager, ICLEI South America
- Anita Correia de Souza Martins, Director of the Conservation Units Management Department, Secretary of the Environment, São Paulo, Brazil
- Luciano Frontelle, Executive Director of Plant-for-the-Planet, Brazil
- Bernardo Egas, Secretary of Environment of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Frederico Celentano, President of Ade Sampa, City of São Paulo, Brazil
- Camila Chabar, Climate Change Coordinator, ICLEI South America, Brazil
- Carlos Alejandro Cubides Durán, Director of the Climate Change Office, Municipality of Tópaga, Colombia
- Daniela Mastrangelo, Technical Coordinator, Subsecretariat of Environment, Municipality of Rosario, Argentina