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Bonn has embraced the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs as a framework to design, plan and implement the strategic goals of the city’s 2030 Sustainability Strategy to support its commitment towards areas like a low-carbon economy and international development cooperation. The Strategy seeks to address the main challenges faced by the city in terms of shifting to clean forms of transport and energy, expanding and maintaining green spaces and providing affordable housings. This commitment has accelerated with the 2019 City Council Statement declaring a Climate Emergency.
Building on this commitment, the city of Bonn and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) will launch the report “A Territorial Approach to the Sustainable Development Goals in Bonn, Germany”.
In its report the OECD provides guidance on how the SDGs can help to institutionalise Bonn’s Sustainability Strategy and allocate adequate resources to its implementation. It also provides an integrated framework to manage trade-offs between climate, sustainable mobility and affordable housing goals, while striving to reduce inequalities.
Based on the OECD Checklist for Public Action to localise the SDGs, the report also calls for a shared responsibility across levels of government in the areas of planning, policies and strategies; multi-level governance; financing and budgeting; data and information, and stakeholder engagement.
The approach and data analysis used by the OECD in the compilation of the report demonstrate the value and potentials for a localization of the SDGs. It shows the benefits of regional data and how multilevel governance can enhance the implementation of the SDGs.
- Aziza Akhmouch, Head of the Cities, Urban Policies and Sustainable Development Division, OECD
- Ashok Sridharan, Mayor, City of Bonn, Germany
- Lamia Kamal-Chaoui, Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, OECD
- Stefan Wagner, Head, Department of International Affairs and Global Sustainability, City of Bonn, Germany
- Masanori Nakagawa, Director, Environmental Bureau, City of Kitakyushu, Japan
- Emil Petrosyan, Deputy Head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy, City of Moscow, Russian Federation
- Daphne Groß-Jansen, Department of Regions and Municipalities, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany