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In spite of the inherent problems faced by the Asian governments, many of them are leading the way and emerging as leaders in the fight against climate change. This session brings the national and sub-national governments together and showcase the initiatives undertaken towards vertical integration. What were the processes that worked, challenges faced, opportunities and best practices in their efforts towards national and sub-national integration, and city climate action planning, among others?
Cities consume over two-thirds of the world’s energy and account for more than 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Over 50% of population is living in cities and the number is expected to increase to 68% by 2050 (UN2018 ). That’s why the local governments play a central role in building low carbon cities and achieving climate agenda. Coordination between national and sub-national governments is crucial in accelerating the national climate goals.
The session is organised by the Asia LEDS Partnership (ALP) and ICLEI South Asia with support from GIZ.
Viewers will learn about:
- Success stories from Asia region on how integration between national and sub-national governments drive the climate agenda, including the key success factors, challenges and lessons on vertical integration
- The best suited initiatives/lessons learned on vertical integration to be replicated in other countries
- Opportunities to access resources, tools and technical assistance support in the Asia region