Daring Cities 2023

Mayor of Bonn Katja Dörner at the Daring Cities 2023 Dialogues

A just and equitable climate emergency response

Daring Cities 2023 aimed to empower urban decision-makers to lead the response to the climate emergency, with a focus on how to ensure the climate emergency response also supports the just transition. This edition continued to provide a platform to convene representatives of all levels of government to strategize and commit to multi-level, whole-of-society climate action that addresses the climate emergency, while further developing sustainable and resilient urban systems.

Daring Cities 2023 sought to enhance and accelerate local and urban climate action through multi-level governance, engagement, and delivery to transform cities to be healthy, sustainable, just, inclusive, low-emission and resilient urban systems for a better urban future for all. 

Sessions aimed to identify top challenges, obstacles, and knowledge gaps to effective and just multilevel climate action as perceived by local, regional, and national governments, and present solutions and opportunities for addressing and overcoming these barriers. To achieve this, Daring Cities 2023 had an innovative program structure. 

  • Daring Cities 2023 Report

    Download the Daring Cities 2023 report and read about key moments and outcomes

  • Daring Cities 2023 Dialogues

    Cities leading in resilience work worldwide discussed how they can expand their work as role models and provide resources to other cities, towns and regions

  • Daring Cities 2023 Virtual Forum

    The Daring Cities 2023 Virtual Forum consisted of several events live-streamed during the months of July, August, and September.

  • Cornerstone I: Exchange

    Go through The Daring Cities 2023 Dialogues & Daring Cities 2023 Virtual Forum

  • Cornerstone II: Disseminate

    List of Daring Cities 2023 related events during Urban October, and November 2023

  • Cornerstone III: Advocate

    Multilevel action is the new normal in the global agenda