Daring Cities 2023 Virtual Forum

The Daring Cities 2023 Virtual Forum consisted of several events live-streamed during the months of July, August, and September. To keep up with Daring Cities’ news and updates, feel free to join our Daring Cities Community by following us on LinkedInTo read up on ICLEI’s equity guidelines, as well as our code of conduct & anti-harassment policy, please scroll down. See below for past sessions.

Throughout Cornerstone I: Exchange, hundreds of representatives of cities, towns, regions, and other subnationals, and the partners that work with them, have come together at Daring Cities 2023 to exchange on best practices, innovative solutions, and creative approaches to a just and equitable transformation of our society in the face of the climate emergency. These exchanges have produced a set of key findings from Daring Cities 2023, which you can now find here.

Watch past Virtual Forum 2023 events

  • Contextualising the city: process and learnings from inclusive project inception methodologies

  • Reaching out to all: Mainstreaming gender and social inclusion to enhance climate actions

  • Who gets what in a climate disaster? Insights from gender-smart climate and disaster risk financing in Latin America and the Caribbean

  • Who gets what in a climate disaster? Insights from gender-smart climate and disaster risk financing in Latin America and the Caribbean [Spanish]

  • Who gets what in a climate disaster? Insights from gender-smart climate and disaster risk financing in Latin America and the Caribbean [Portuguese]

  • Forging partnerships: Stakeholder-driven adaptation and resilience initiatives in Southeast Asian cities

  • Forging partnerships: Stakeholder-driven adaptation and resilience initiatives in Southeast Asian cities [Bahasa Indonesia]

  • Getting money to where it’s needed: Digital finance and just transitions (session I)

  • Getting money to where it’s needed: Digital finance and just transitions (session II)

  • Implementar una transición energética justa y equitativa: Liderazgo y lecciones de los gobiernos locales argentinos

  • From incremental to transformative change: Leveraging 'systemic management innovations' to enable just transitions

  • An Expanded Climate and Innovation Agenda (ECIA) for a just and equitable climate emergency response in cities and regions

  • How to host a mini-COP in your townhall: Localizing the global stocktake

  • CitiesWithNature supports local governments in the climate emergency with nature-based solutions

  • Motivating action: Tools and inspiration for climate change communication

  • Sustainable and affordable housing for all? Insights on socially just decarbonization of buildings from academia and practice

  • Building resilience in Small Island Developing States: Community-centered approaches

  • 10 years of CityFood: Making urban food systems deliver for people, landscapes and climate

  • Funding nature-based solutions in cities: Land-based finance to get the job done

  • Research & innovation towards a just and equitable climate emergency response (session I): Human needs-based transformative innovation

  • Research & innovation towards a just and equitable climate emergency response (session II): Research agendas as a driving force for change

A few words on ICLEI’s events…

Code of conduct & anti-harassment policy

ICLEI is committed to providing a safe event experience for everyone, regardless of sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), social status, physical appearance or body size. With this purpose a code of conduct, which participants will need to adhere to at the time of registration, and an anti-harassment policy will be established and implemented in all ICLEI global events.

These policies can be adapted for specific events, since some procedures may differ depending on the event’s nature (hybrid, in-person, virtual), size, or local context. Learn more about ICLEI global events’ anti-harassment policy here.

Any events hosted by an ICLEI partner may have their own code of conduct and anti-harassment policy, which all participants including moderators, speakers, and ICLEI staff involved in the organization might have to adhere to.

Equitable Events Guidelines

ICLEI events are a platform for meaningful dialogue and exchange about today’s sustainability challenges which help advance collective commitments and significant action towards local sustainability in cities, towns, and regions worldwide. Whether our events are hosted in person, virtually, or through a hybrid model, we aim to integrate sustainable, inclusive and equitable design wherever possible. An equitable event is intended to actively promote inclusion and participation. This involves ensuring physical and virtual access and accessibility to the event, diversity of topics and voices as well as an overall good quality experience for all. It also means being prepared to protect everyone who participates in the event against all forms of abuse, harassment, and discrimination. Learn more about ICLEI’s equitable events guidelines here.